
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Gram Staining and Distilled Water Essay Example for Free

Gram Staining and Distilled water supply EssayThe purpose of this prove was to learn how to properly perform a gram stain and to likewise understand how gram staining can help identify either positive or disconfirming organisms in the laboratory. The materials needed for this experiment included two microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas fluorescens) in a slant agar, an inoculating twine, a microscope slide, distilled water, a bunsen burner burner, four dyes ( vitreous silica violet, Grams iodine, ethyl alcohol, and safranin), bibulous paper, and a dye tray.The method for this experiment was as follows 1) Cleaned the microscope slide with both soap and water and thus dried 2) Flamed the inoculating loop with the Bunsen burner and therefore applied two small drops of water to each side (horizontally) of the slide 3) Flamed the inoculating loop again, allowed it to cool, and obtained a small sample of the first organism 4) Mixed the organisms on the inoculating loop with star of the drops of the water on the slide and spread to a nickel-sized drop 5) Repeated steps 3 and 4 for the other organism using the second water drop on the slide 6) Allowed the samples to dry and then heat fixed both samples. Applied the crystal violet dye, let it accost for 20 seconds, and then washed the dye away with distilled water off into the dye tray 8) Applied the Grams iodine and let it soak for a minute 9) Washed it off with alcohol for 20 seconds (or until the dye stopped running), and then direct washed with the distilled water 10) Applied the counter-stain, safranin, and let it soak for a minute. 11) Washed with distilled water after and piano blotted it dry with bibulous paper 12) Observed both microorganisms on slide under the microscope Two assorted results were observed under the microscope. The first one was purple colored cocci, and the picture of the slide is on the chase page. The second one revealed pink-colored rods, and the image is o n the page following the first microorganisms.The results of the experiment came out as expected. There didnt seem to be any flaws in the experiment, since the colors were distinctly different. The purple cocci were identify as the Staphylococcus aureus. Because the violet dye penetrated the membrane and stained it, it was recognized as a gram-positive organism. The pink rods were Pseudomonas florescens. It was discovered to be a gram-negative organism because the organism didnt stain from the crystal violet. Since everything was easily identifiable, the experiment seemed to have gone as planned.

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